Legal Notice


The website belongs to GIGAWATTS PRODUCTIONS.
Publishing Director : David Soltany
Simplified joint stock company with share capital of 1 500 euros
Registered with the companies’ register of Paris under number 820 952 398 00015
Head Office : Gigawatts Productions 35 rue Santos Dumont 75015 Paris
Email :
VAT : FR 46 820 952 398
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
VAT : FR 22 424 761 419
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Tel : 09 72 10 10 07
No personal information is collected without you being aware of it and no personal information is handed over to third parties. The personal informations we collect when you join our newsletter (name, address, e-mail…) are exclusively used to send you by mail the information which you sought expressly and relating directly to your interests and to make studies to improve the quality of our service. You can unsubscribe by sending us a message to
 According to the law of Data Protection of January 6th, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete all data concerning you. To use it, you just have to ask us by e-mail to
The contents of this site (domain name, trademark, logo, text…) are the property of Gigawatts Productions and protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws of France.
Users state they have the competency and means required to access and use this site. Gigawatts Productions cannot be held liable for elements beyond its control or for damage which may be caused to the technical environment of the user and in particular his computers, software, network accessories and all other hardware used by him to gain access to or make use of the service and/or the information. The user is reminded that the fact of fraudulently accessing or remaining inside a computer system, preventing or altering the functioning of such a system, or introducing or modifying data within such a computer system is illegal and liable to prosecution.
Gigawatts Productions shall forward regularly informations in particular on the news and the content of the articles. Incorrect information or omissions may be encountered arising from typographical or formatting errors. If you think you have found an error or omission, please let us know. We therefore reserve the right to modify the informations or any commercial activity provided by the website, as part of the routine procedures for revisions and updates, without notice. The hypertext links to other internet resources included on this website are only given to provide you with the most complete information and Gigawatts Productions shall not be held liable for their content, the links which they contain or the changes or updates made to them.


Le site est édité par la société GIGAWATTS PRODUCTIONS.

Directeur de la Publication : David Soltany
SAS au Capital social de 1 500 euros 
Immatriculée au RCS de Paris sous le numéro 820 952 398
Siège social : Gigawatts Productions 35 rue Santos Dumont 75015 Paris
Email :
N° TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 46 820 952 398


OVH SAS, filiale de la société OVH Groupe SAS

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France 
Numéro de téléphone : 09 72 10 10 07


Aucune information personnelle n'est collectée à votre insu. Les informations que vous nous communiquez lors d’une demande de devis, de renseignements ou d’inscription à la newsletter par courrier, par téléphone, par e-mail ou par formulaire sont uniquement destinées au traitement administratif et commercial de votre demande par la société Gigawatts Productions. Elles ne font l'objet d'aucune cession à des tiers. Gigawatts Productions traite les informations qui vous concernent avec la plus grande confidentialité. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment en nous en faisant la demande par message à

Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés » n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et d'opposition aux données personnelles vous concernant. Pour l'exercer, il suffit de nous en faire la demande par écrit aux coordonnées suivantes : Gigawatts Productions, 35 rue Santos Dumont 75015 Paris, France ou


L'ensemble du contenu du présent site Internet (y compris le nom de domaine, les marques, le logo, les textes…) est la propriété de la société Gigawatts Productions, il est protégé par les lois en vigueur sur la propriété intellectuelle dans la législation française.

Aucun élément de ce site ne peut être copié, reproduit, détourné ou dénaturé, et ce, sur quelque support que ce soit, sans constituer un acte de contrefaçon au sens des articles L 335-2 et suivants du code de la propriété intellectuelle.


L'utilisateur de ce site reconnaît disposer de la compétence et des moyens nécessaires pour accéder et utiliser ce site. Gigawatts Productions ne saurait être tenu responsable des éléments en dehors de son contrôle et des dommages qui pourraient éventuellement être subis par l'environnement technique de l’utilisateur, et notamment ses ordinateurs, logiciels, équipements réseaux et tout autre matériel utilisé pour accéder ou utiliser le service et/ou les informations disponibles sur le site.

Il est rappelé que le fait d'accéder ou de se maintenir frauduleusement dans un système informatique, d'entraver ou de fausser le fonctionnement d'un tel système, d'introduire ou de modifier frauduleusement des données dans un système informatique constituent des délits passibles de sanctions pénales.


Gigawatts Productions s'attache à transmettre des informations régulièrement mises à jour, notamment sur les actualités ainsi que sur le contenu des articles. Toutefois, des informations erronées ou des omissions peuvent être constatées, suite notamment à des erreurs de saisie ou de mise en page. Si vous en faisiez le constat, nous vous invitons à nous le signaler pour que nous puissions procéder à leur rectification.

Nous nous réservons par ailleurs le droit de modifier les informations ou les éventuelles offres commerciales fournies par le présent site, dans le cadre de nos opérations d'actualisation et de mise à jour des données, et ce sans préavis.

Les liens hypertextes mis en oeuvre au sein du présent site Internet, en direction d'autres sites et/ou de pages personnelles et d'une manière générale vers toutes ressources existantes sur Internet, ne sauraient engager la responsabilité de Gigawatts Productions.

De même que la société Gigawatts Productions ne pourra en aucune façon être tenue pour responsable des sites ayant un lien hypertexte avec le présent site et décline toute responsabilité quant à leur contenu et à leur utilisation.


Log In to Marmot Control
If you have not yet registered Sign Up for free Forgotten your Password?

Sign Up to Marmot Control

If you're already a user, click here to log in now. Otherwise, complete the simple form below to register with Marmot Control and take advantage of user playlists and more.

Reset Your Password

If you know your details you may Log In Now

Save Search

Save this search for future use. With save search, you can easily share searches with colleagues, as well.

Add Track to Playlist Folder

Add this track to an existing playlist folder or create a new playlist folder.

Add track `` to:

Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the Marmot Control website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

Track to Playlist Folder

You can copy your selected tracks to an existing playlist folder or create a new one.

Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the Marmot Control website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

Edit your Playlist Folder

Change your playlist title and description. You can also change the playlist status from private to public or vice versa at any time.


Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the Marmot Control website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

Share your Playlist Folder

Whoa Nelly! We need a bit more information

To display an accurate price, please select your usage and currency. Then add tracks to your basket.

Account not yet confirmed.

Account not yet confirmed.

Please verify your account by clicking the verification link received via signup email. If you can not find or have not received your verification code via email, click here to resend it.

Customise My Track

Please provide a few brief details below so that we can create your unique customised track.

We'll be in touch to discuss your track customisation shortly based on your comments above


This track is licensed under the terms of your Blanket License Agreement with us.

You may only use this track in accordance with the terms of your Blanket License Terms and Conditions. Please contact us at if you require a different usage and we can easily and swiftly extend your licence either for your selected tracks or for your entire Blanket Licence.

Usage outside of the terms of your Blanket Licence is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


This track was purchased on under our agreement

You may only use this music track under the terms of the Creator license agreement that you have purchased. Please contact us if you would like to extend the terms of your license or use the music track for another purpose.

Usage outside of the terms of your license agreement is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


By downloading this track you confirm your agreement to the Try Before you Buy Terms and Conditions which can be found on the Marmot Control website. Usage outside of the Try Before You Buy Terms and Conditions is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


By downloading this track you confirm your agreement to the Instant Download Terms and Conditions which can be found on the Marmot Control website.

Stems and Loops

Your account setting doesn't allow you to download stems and loops, please get in touch with the Marmot Control team to purchase stem/loop files.

Bulk Download Confirmed

Your bulk download request has been confirmed and our servers are busy compiling your tracks and zipping them up ready for download. You'll shortly receive an email containing a link to download your tracks.

Delete Playlist Folder

Are you sure you want to delete the playlist folder? This action cannot be reversed.

Delete Tracks from Playlist Folder

You are deleting tracks from the playlist folder. Once confirmed, this action can not be reversed.

Try Before You Buy

With our Try Before You Buy account, you can:

  • Download and try out multiple tracks
  • Only pay for the tracks you decide to use
  • No beeps, no annoying copyright voice-overs

Simply download and audition broadcast quality music tracks

Try Before You Buy

As a current Marmot Control client, you may contact us for a Try Before You Buy account. Try Before You Buy lets you download as much music as you like, with no obligation to purchase. Try out different tracks and synchronise with your production. Make your final track selection and only pay for the tracks you decide to use. No beeps, no annoying voice-over saying "copyright Marmot Control". Simply download and audition broadcast quality music tracks.

Blanket Account Limit Reached

Sorry, you have hit the limit on your blanket account for this month. We set a download limit for security reasons. But don't panic! Simply contact your account manager or email to have your download limit extended.

Blanket Limit Reached

Sorry, you have hit the limit on your blanket account for this month. We set a download limit for security reasons. But don't panic! Simply contact your account manager or email to have your download limit extended.

Stem Pack Request

Please complete your details below and we will be in touch to provide you with your stem pack.

We'll be in touch shortly to provide you with your stems.

Track License Request

This track is available for licensing but we require your production details first before we can confirm your license. Please complete the details below and we will be in touch to discuss your license.

Monthly Download Limit

Sorry! You've now hit the monthly download cap for your plan.

Please contact us should you need further help!

Plan Download Limit

Sorry! You've now hit the download cap for your plan.
Please contact us should you need further help!